My main training is in Fine Arts and specifically painting. Though I call myself a painter in the way I think and work, I have mostly found my artistic satifaction in painting on 3-Dimensional forms.
Every now and then I get the urge to paint on paper or canvas. I love color and feel inspired by both urban and rural landscapes.
Some of the paintings have been been made into Giclee prints.

Part of Tryptch 14 x15 " Giclee Print $425

Part of Tryptch 14 x15 " Giclee Print $425

Part of Tryptch 14 x15 " Giclee Print $425

Sold - collection of Jennifer Griffin

Acrylic on Canvas $1000

Sold - collection of Jennifer Griffin

3 pannels. Acrylic on Canvas $1200

Pastel on Paper 28x36" Each $275

Acrylic and other media on Canvas. Sold - collection Weinstein - Frank